Where It Began

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People thought I was nuts when I went off to Iran with my wife and children in 1967.  I knew there would be challenges and hopefully some adventure .  I was confident I could do the job, and provide for my family. But there was something more — I knew my lifelong partner, my dear wife would be with me.   In 1967 we had been married for six years, but I had known Lucretia since high school. She was smart, resourceful, determined -and beautiful.  I was extraordinarily blessed to find her; she was and is a genuine gift from God. Together, we could handle anything.

Calling in some experts: the proof is in the details

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I’m in the final stages of proof-reading the manuscript before it goes into the Amazon program.  These three experts look like good candidates to help me go over the final details.  Every chapter has to be read again and again to ensure there are no duplications, typos, run-on sentences and the like. I feel like Huckleberry Finn right now, just plain tired of the whole thing.

But Zehbel: The Clever One holds the interest of its readers. It’s a good story. I’ve lived it, and I know.